The Stew Peters Show

Doc Finds Graphene in Blood, Pandemic Treaty Moves Forward, Quadruple Vaxxed Biden Gets Covid

Happy FRIDAY from The Stew Peters Show!

We have a BRAND NEW episode that will keep you in your feet for the weekend!

Dr. Jane Ruby joins to expose the TRUE agenda of BigPharma:

Deanna Lorraine joins to discuss the political theater of COVID & how the Globalists are brainwashing the public into BELIEVING it!

James Broguski joins to talk about the overreach of power that the world health organization constantly tries to conduct!

Wendy Rogers has proven time and time again to be an America first patriot, Who will do what is right even when nobody else is! She joins to speak up about the corruption within the republican party, and how we fight back!

Watch this new show NOW at!

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