The Stew Peters Show

BBC Doesn’t Want You To See This: Stew Peters Goes Head-To-Head with BBC, WATCH FULL Interview

Stew Peters goes into the lion’s den and teaches the BBC a lesson.
Watch behind the scenes footage the BBC doesn’t want you to see.
The BBC attempts and fails to discredit the wildly successful documentary “Died Suddenly”.
Stew financed and released “Died Suddenly” to save lives from the murderous Covid cult.
Throughout the interview Stew exposes the pro-vaxx lies parroted by the mainstream media.
The BBC continues to promote a bioweapon injection that is killing children.
The fake news “journalists” were completely caught off guard and not prepared to answer Stew’s questions about why embalmers are finding white fibrous clots inside the vaccinated dead.
Stew reminds the BBC of vaccinated Damar Hamlin’s sudden collapse on national television.
The average number of professional athletes who have collapsed during competition is 5 to 10 per year.
In the last year that number has climbed to over 1000.
The United States is funneling money into the fake construct of a country called Ukraine.
The Covid-19 pandemic was used to enact a massive worldwide depopulation event.
People must be held accountable for their blatant crimes against humanity and that also includes lying journalists.
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1 year ago

That was awesome!!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Kristin

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Melissa Molnar
1 year ago

Good job Stew! 👏

1 year ago

um BBC is funded from gov and from the taxpayer (not exactly free tv)!! not sure where addvert revenues come in…. BBCMediaAction – is funded by GATES, UN, badboys. They divide it up and claim to be honmest but the dirty money gets in there and goes to the top….. Good work stu. Only ask questions you know answers to so you can catch them in lies.. unfortunately that means u need to research the bbc and become expert in thei r craphole business. Most podcasterz politely decline their request for interview.

1 year ago

You nailed it. She never had one real answer for anything you asked about. Am I surprised she didn’t? NO! Just another mouth piece, all blow and no show.

1 year ago

Stew, you were having a chat with Chat GPT drones. You have to try and smell them and see if they have human smells. Do a smell test. If not then they are not human.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dave

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1 year ago

Fantastic interview Stew.

Ken Freeland
1 year ago

you rock, Stew!

Tim Kolasa
1 year ago

This biblical quote explains what’s happening now in our world with the LYING media, corrupt politicians and rich oligarchy’s, and it’s all written in the Bible explaining what’s happening right before our very eyes right now.

“Towards the end of time, false prophets shall arise. It’s also clear in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 that there is a being (the son of perdition) who will declare himself god and will expect to be served as god. The Devil has placed some individuals in positions of power, and influence to control the media, politics and education, promoting value, which is deceptive, leading the society into a state of total degradation.”

Stew is fighting against all of this because just like myself, I can’t stand to see what is happening with the world right now being flipped over on its head like we’re living in a parallel existence. It just doesn’t seem like it’s real. But the sad and undeniable truth, is that it is happening.
Evil is here in an abundance and prophesies claim it to get even worse. So buckle up because it’s going to get even bumpier as this evil pushes forward.
Be ready to die when this evil comes across our bows and asks if you believe in Jesus Christ, and answering yes will either kill you or get you beaten to a pulp then you’ll be imprisoned for the rest of your time on this earth and tortured constantly.
Sounds like hell doesn’t it!
Say your prayers and never lose faith.
God is Love!

The Devil is hate and hate is all the world has ever seen lately.

1 year ago

We trust those people because they don’t get paid and still fight for the truth. How much more of a lie would these demons spout when they get paid.

Melanie wall
1 year ago

Well done stew there arrogance is breathtaking

1 year ago

Stew, you’ve done well, as always, thankyou.

1 year ago

What part of dying don’t you understand? They are the walking dead.

1 year ago

Stw Gets truth out on their own woke stooges again and now he should get their Pfizer money they are all taking and expose them again and the world knows it and why Israelis fill thje streets against this they can’t hide deep enough underground in their safe places

1 year ago

The truth is they think we are all stupid bottom feeders but it is funny they wouldn’t speak to the patents that are their own facts documented and can’t hide it and they have propped up and hired stooges like Hitlers movement did once again it goes all the way to the money changers

1 year ago

Fact is Phizer would have sued Stew but won’t because then they would be exposed and why are the courts stopped every attempt to expose their own documents and patents

1 year ago

These are the only types of morons and useful idiots they use and just as in the past they use them and then loose them

1 year ago

So great I had to watch it twice thanks Stew and Dr Reiner Fuelmich and Dr Tenpenny and Americas Frontline Doctors and Robert Kennedy Jr. and Judy Micovik and all the other brave ones who brought truth from the start and even though they Censored them all they still got out truth and they would have sued them all but won’t because they would be further exposed stupid is as stupid does

1 year ago

This is what the BBC has become – Asian propagandists who don[‘t know anything. Remember Elon shredding the BBC propagandist? Why are they only hiring total amateurs?

1 year ago

They are all liars.

1 year ago

These two morons were so far out of their league, they aren’t even playing the same guy as Stew. Awesome job, Stew! So proud of you and behind you all the way.

Jerry L Henkel
1 year ago

The “shit talkers”
will never give a straight answer Stu.

Thomas Angle
1 year ago

Brother, the whole reason for them interviewing you is for evidence when they bring you up on charges. Notice how they gave you a chance to apologize and then a chance to admit you where wrong? Then you baited you with making homosexuality illegal and executing people. They want to put you on trial. I do believe God was telling me this throughout the interview.

In the Bible, we are commanded to help other brothers and sisters out. When you need help, call on us. I am sure there are those out there that will come to you aid. It is well past time we made a stand.

Ian Martin
1 year ago

That was a masterclass in how to respond to people doing hitpieces. The BBC woman did well , but SP’s answers were so good.

Michael Sissons
1 year ago

You were fantastic Stew! The fact that you sat there putting up with their incessant lies and arrogant ignorance , makes you a hero in our eyes. Your previous life as a bounty hunter proves valuable- who better to route out the criminals and bring them to justice than a bounty hunter? God bless you.

1 year ago

The BBC woman was probably a Goth. Black fingernails, black lipstick, a deranged woman that has more in common with the devil nor God. How do I buy you a coffee?

Aleigha Griffith
1 year ago

Amazing what you and your team is doing . Wish I could get out there and fight back also just don’t know where to start here in Beckley WV. I’ve followed y’all and watched God bless and extend the truth using you your team along with Lauren whom I attended Teen Challenge with in Shenandoah Valley. I remember her going to bat for me and my children there when CPS was destroying my family while I was hours away. Not only that the prayer for me my children. I was able to come home fight against the CPS family link welfare and win in more then just my children but bringing so much immoral things out to tunes. Then I see these little ones and it just touch my heart that someone was out there fighting worldwide for these innocent little ones. Because my oldest when I was 16 teen and he was 3 nothing was done to the pedophile that hurt him in CPS care. Thank you guys for fighting for truth the children may God bless you all. Also if by chance you have time tell Lauren keep head up it’s awesome to see her fighting back along your side. Thanks AleighaGriffith,,

Aleigha Griffith
1 year ago

One more thing you are there target I’m sure you know be courageous always. Tell truth like you have no matter how they try make you look. You brought it all to light and that’s what will shine brighter then them trying to discredit your work. You going against them like in this video I just watched was just showing how much of a robot for the elite they are. And how much they don’t know or they do and look past for love of evil money corruption . Again God bless you all.

1 year ago

It’s easy to get tripped up with answers when people are coming at you with multiple charges, even when you are telling the truth. However, what is so impressive about Stew Peters is, he’s laser focused in his responses and he doesn’t miss a beat. He never lets them away with sneeking in anything without giving the perfect, truthful and epic response. Why isn’t the BBC answering any of these questions for the good of their citizens and those of the world? We all know the answer. God is always on the side of truth. Fantastic work, brother Peters!

1 year ago

Stew, it would be nice if you could interview Dr David Nixon! Maria Zeee did one with him on her platform, it was an awesom eye openr! Thanks for this podcast! God bless you & Rachel is an embarassment to humanity imho ♥

1 year ago
Reply to  Raven

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1 year ago
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patricia bradshawe
1 year ago

That was brilliant Stew and being an Brit in another Brit colony and a former 1970 journalsit, am so pleased to see such egotistical stupidity in 2 brain dead supposed journalists taken to task so civilly and masterfully ,

Dalia flor
1 year ago

Bravo!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!! God bless you!!!! Bravo!!!!!!

1 year ago

Way to go STEW. YOU WERE AMAZING. YOU HAD JESUS THEY WOULD HAVE NEVWR WON ❤️🙌🏻 Ps because of you me and my family did not get the poison. Thank you Stew

denise ward
1 year ago

Amazing ignore-ance of these BBC reporters, these flagrant liars. They must be getting paid a lot or they’re really stupid and think they don’t have to have any accountability. They ignore anything put to them and continue to badger Stew Peters on a minor point, while also never naming one person that supports their case, they say things like “doctors and experts” but never cite any sources at all. Not one.

denise ward
1 year ago

The god thing is hard to stomach and Stew wanting to be the president. Government sounds so old century to me nowadays. The whole political system is about as credible as the BBC reporters.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

Great, Stew, It’s about time someone took the lying BBC idiots down a peg or two. One of their funders is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and they have their griming fingers in every pie. Thanks for telling the truth. We hope God will be the judge of these people very soon.

1 year ago

Well done Stew, i cant believe the bbc attempted that hit job, It seems they are so arrogant that they don’t even do research, they just spout lies and call them statistics how she continued with repeating the same lies over and over is beyond me. I don’t think anyone should give an interview to bbc now as it is clear that truth,proof and actual statistics stand for nothing. The bbc have to be treated like the liars and corrupt psychopaths they truly are and no one should ever give them the time of day again.

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Rhane Mann
11 months ago

Ugh. The Yorkshire accent on a woman is truly awful.

Rhane Mann
11 months ago
Reply to  Rhane Mann

…and made up like a clown with an IQ of about 90.

11 months ago


11 months ago

Explain why this never happened before the vaccine if it. Has nothing to do with the vaccine? 1+1=2 Ppl aren’t pulling this out of thin air!

S Fancy
10 months ago

Why doesn’t BBC tell Mr. Peters what is in the compound of the vaccine? Why don’t they explain how the dilution component in the vaccine DIRECTLY coordinates with the virus? BBC are “Godless” Mass Murderers who will burn in hell for millions of years. Good Riddance!

10 months ago


Joe Schmoe
9 months ago

So you’re the only one speaking truth? I totally disagree

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