The Stew Peters Show

Cocaine Cover-Up At White House: Cocaine Found In West Wing After Recent Hunter Biden Visit

They don’t call it the White House for nothing.
Simon Ateba, Today News Africa reporter, joins Stew to talk about the mysterious cocaine found inside the White House.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refuses to answer questions about the cocaine found in the West Wing.
Similar to the Hunter Biden laptop, any questions having to do with the President's degenerate son will likely be rejected.
Are we to believe the government had no trouble tracking down J6 defendants who are now in D.C. gulags but they can’t find out who left a bag of cocaine at the White House?
The White House is one of the most surveilled locations on the planet and the truth is they already know who brought the cocaine in.
This is behavior that should not be tolerated but we should not be surprised because we have a two-tiered justice system.
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Lorine Shannon
1 year ago

I posted this reply on Twitter but I want Stew to see it so he understands the reason most of us are backing Trump.- Stew, you keep saying not to look to 1 man to save us, but I don’t believe that is what most are doing. .Every army has a leader or they have no direction. Trump is our Patton, not our God. Please don’t get it twisted. We aren’t. tew, you keep saying not to look for 1 man to save us, but I don’t believe that is what most people are doing. Every army needs a leader or they don’t have a direction. Trump is our Patton, not our God. We are not twisted.

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