The Stew Peters Show

Disinformation Dozen’ Sue CORRUPT Media Outlets: Trusted News Initiative Run By Propaganda SHILLS

In any populist movement grifters will spring up to make a quick buck.
Dr. Ben Tapper who was named as one of the Covid “Disinformation Dozen” joins Stew to discuss the cost of standing for truth.
The term “grifter” is rarely defined.
In short, a grifter is a person seeking to personally profit through fraud.
Sometimes it’s literal fraud, but a lot of it is more vague.
It’s a person who poses as a brave warrior for truth but is actually a coward.
It’s a person who fabricates problems so that they can milk donations from people.
It’s a person who promises big investigative scoops but never brings the receipts.
Dr. Tapper is not a grifter.
He first went viral for an appearance he made before the Omaha city council, where he opposed mask mandates.
Since then, Dr. Tapper has been censored, repeatedly.
However, Dr. Tapper and others are now fighting back and in June filed a lawsuit in federal court against the Trusted News Initiative, a partnership of major media outlets whose purpose was to impose narrative control and promote censorship of outlets besides themselves.
Recently, the Wall Street Journal reported that censoring the “Disinformation Dozen” actually cost American lives.
The government colluded with social media outlets and ordered them to censor.
This is a violation of the Sherman Act which concerns antitrust laws.
Elon Musk’s Twitter is now censoring Stew Peters and has permanently marked all of his tweets “sensitive”.
In June Stew’s Twitter account achieved 450 million impressions.
As of July he only has 1 million impressions.
This likely means Twitter will be locked down again close to the election and the WEF stooge Linda Yaccarino is doing exactly what she was hired to do.
Freedom fighters must continue to fight mass censorship.
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Nichole C
1 year ago

I just wanted to say on the topic of Elon Musk and Twitter, I never once believed that he was doing this because he believes that we all should value and be given our free speech on these platforms, my opinion always was that the is an intelligence insider and was only there to get certain information, that was just my suspicion. I did the research on his background and found he had close ties to DARPA, etc. So, in my mind, it really did not even matter, he was always speaking from both sides anyway, pretty much on any topic you could find that he said one thing one moment and then to a different audience said something entirely different. I was banned from Twitter during Covid within maybe a week of having an account,

I came to the Twitter party pretty late obviously and refrained entirely from participating in most social media prior to the Covid crises and only set up an account to view the discussion on the vaccines and to voice my opposition. I was quickly banned permanently with no appeal for submitting my argument or question rather about why it was that Governor Greg Abbott was in such support of these experimental injections, with the lockdowns, and with the masking, that he was claiming to be in strong opposition to at the same time that he was touting the success of his choices. I wondered why he was promoting these injections as safe and effective without question when he was only later on putting in executive orders to give people an option to choose. In my city, the lockdowns and shutdowns came very early, my children’s school locked down when there were not even any reported cases. In my older children’s school, the teachers were pushing underage students to get out there and get the shot. Young people were very much incentivized and in some cases intimidated into getting the shot by their peers at school and in their jobs.

After I was banned on Twitter, I did attempt to appeal but was rejected. After that, I was receiving annoying notifications and invites to come back, the only kicker was that I was not even able to gain access to completely close the account because I no longer had the phone the account was set up with. Twitter continued this harassment as I saw it, sending me updates and notices and my attempts to get them to cease went unanswered. I persisted and kept sending back irate responses demanding they delete my account permanently and to stop sending the annoying emails. They finally did, but I was never offered by Twitter to reopen my account even after Elon took over. So, all this noise about him changing things did nothing for me, and he is the fraud I was always thought him to be. Not a fan.

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