
Dutch Government Oppresses Farmers: WEF Backed Government Steals Land & Resources From Farmers

The Dutch government has gone to war against the world’s most efficient and effective farmers.
Jim Ferguson, former parliamentary candidate for the Brexit party, is here to talk about how Dutch farmers are fighting back against the World Economic Forum’s totalitarian agenda.
Dutch farmers are being targeted by fanatics who, in the name of reducing “greenhouse emissions” , want to destroy all productive economic activity on planet earth.
The government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte has launched a project to seize three thousand farms, along with the cows and livestock on them, in order to slash the use of nitrogen that they attack these farmers for.
No farm on earth is more efficient than a Dutch farm.
Even if you cared about reducing emissions from farming, literally any other farms on earth would be a better target, because they’re less efficient.
This is clearly not about reducing the emissions they claim to care about.
It’s about dominance, control, and the intentional creation of a food crisis.
The Dutch farmers revolted and drove out in their tractors by the thousands to clog up roads and bring the Dutch to a halt.
It worked because earlier this month, Mark Rutte’s government collapsed.
That means a new election this fall in the Netherlands, and right now, the party polling at or near the top is the Farmer-Citizen Movement, otherwise known as BBB in Dutch.
The Dutch government was trying to drive farmers off their land and at the same time bring in violent immigrants from poor countries.
This tyranny is coming for the United Kingdom next and then Canada and the United States will follow.
The World Economic Forum is behind this agenda because they want control of the world’s food supplies.
The Dutch is one of the top agricultural producing counties second only to America.
Klaus Schwab has bragged about penetrating the governments of the West.
One of the best ways to stop the WEF is not cut off the flow of immigrants into developed nations.
Americans must secure the southern border and deport the invaders.
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1 year ago

I am dutch, the problem is that BBB is fake opposition and also have a hidden global agenda. The collapse is also planed and fake as the currently have more power until the next elections are there. The elections in Holland are fake and corrupt.

1 year ago

Take the matter into our own hands. A few hundred of them and billions of us. Time to take them out of the equation. Control your borders and target your politicians.

1 year ago

I figure they want to use their CBDC to do it so they must figure out how to use something else for trade instead and these scumbags must be removed from everything and until that happens they still have to much power they cannot be given any longer and their UN must be dismantled

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