The Stew Peters Show

W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty To End Human Rights: New World Order Plans To ERASE Freedom Of Speech

During the next pandemic the World Health Organization is planning to enslave humanity.
Dr. Meryl Nass is back with Stew to sound the alarm about the tyrannical W.H.O. treaty.
Dr. Nass is now testifying publicly against the planned WHO global pandemic treaty.
The treaty aims to abolish national sovereignty and turn the World Health Organization into a de facto global dictatorship any time they declare a pandemic.
Dr. Nass is also warning about how global elites plan to use the disastrous “Operation Warp Speed” as a template for rapid approval of all vaccines in the future, to make more money and, of course, exert more biological control over the masses.
First, declare a crisis that requires a global effort to defeat.
Then, abolish basic rights in the name of stopping the emergency.
Finally, restructure all of society to build a New World Order, in the supposed pursuit of keeping the emergency from happening again and once it’s all said and done, everyone is a slave of the elites, whether the original emergency was real or not.
The Biological Weapons convention is a U.S. backed treaty that came into being in 1975.
The treaty was supposed to have enforcement mechanisms to be added after all countries signed on but that never happened.
This means the treaty designed to protect the world from biological weapons is totally useless.
The term “gain of function” was created to replace more nefarious sounding terms like “biowarfare” or “germ warfare”.
The W.H.O. will be voting next May on giving the Director General of the W.H.O. total authority during pandemics.
The Director General would then have the authority to dictate to countries which drugs they are permitted to use and which drugs are banned.
This would completely go against the American Bill of Rights.
Republicans in Congress have authored bills to withdraw from the W.H.O. and defund the corrupt organization.
“Pandemic preparedness” is really “pandemic manufacturing”.
For more information about the W.H.O.’s radical power grab go to
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11 months ago

The World Health Organisation is now CORRUPT because it is now ‘owned’ (influenced) by Bill Gates through his massive funding, which buys him control and influences their agenda!

Gates ‘donates’ over 53% of the WHO’s expense budget! Join the dots!

Gates stated “The most lucrative investment I ever made = VACCINES”. So he wants to SELL MORE DEADLY VAX because it multiplies his fortune!

GATES believes the planet is overpopulated!

Big Pharma concede ‘There’s no profit in HEALTHY PEOPLE’. Join the dots!

I am now happy to be acknowledged and congratulated for being a PROUD Conspiracy Theorist! Because most of our ‘insane’ beliefs and ‘unbelievable’ projections have proven accurate.

Why do “SAFE and EFFECTIVE” injection makers deny all LIABILITY for numerous vax-induced INJURIES AND DEATHS that follow the administering of their ‘miracle cures’? That’s INSANE!

Never again will they get 70% of humanity to believe their lies, innuendo, fear porn, lockdowns, mask-wearing, house arrest, social distancing, and travel restrictions. None of which I’ve cooperated with since around June 2020 when I realised it was all a massive scam(demic) and a jab invented in a ridiculously short time, without Safety checking OR PROOF OF EFFICACY! This is now admitted by Pfizer et al.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

11 months ago

The World Health Organisation is now CORRUPT because it is now ‘owned’ (influenced) by Bill Gates through his massive 53%+ funding, which buys him control and influences their agenda!

Stop the WHO’s attempt to undermine every Nation’s Sovereignty by TREATY. They (Gates) wants to sell more vaccines so The WHO will soon announce the next Scamdemic to justify a new, experimental, dangerous but useless injection they’ll call a VACCINE. They will use this scam to re-introduce all the draconian restrictions to our lives that some of you adhered to.

Gates stated “The most lucrative investment I ever made = VACCINES”. So he wants to SELL MORE DEADLY VAX because it multiplies his fortune!

GATES believes the planet is overpopulated!

Big Pharma concede ‘There’s no profit in HEALTHY PEOPLE’. Join the dots!

I am now happy to be acknowledged and congratulated for being a PROUD Conspiracy Theorist! Because most of our ‘insane’ beliefs and ‘unbelievable’ projections have proven accurate.

Why do “SAFE and EFFECTIVE” injection makers deny all LIABILITY for numerous vax-induced INJURIES AND DEATHS that follow the administering of their ‘miracle cures’? That’s INSANE!

Never again will they get 70% of humanity to believe their lies, innuendo, fear porn, lockdowns, mask-wearing, house arrest, social distancing, and travel restrictions. None of which I’ve cooperated with since around June 2020 when I realised it was all a massive scam(demic) and a jab invented in a ridiculously short time, without Safety checking OR PROOF OF EFFICACY! This is now admitted by Pfizer et al.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

Karen Bracken
11 months ago

Defunding the WHO does nothing to stop the amendments to the IHR or the treaty and it does nothing to stop our participation. We still are obligated to do as the WHO dictates even if we end the money. We need to get out of the WHO and that will never happen with the current administration. SO the states and the people of the states need to step up and invoke Nullification. TN has legislation to create a process to invoke Nullification for the 2024 TN legislative session. We have organized a group of citizens too. TN Citizens for State Sovereignty. and (website) The power is not at the federal level. The power is with the states and the people and that is how our founders created our Constitution. The feds only have 18 enumerated powers. Anything not on list is null and void.

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